What is FAQs module?
29 Oct 2021 705 0

FAQs module allows you to create a simple FAQ question and answer for your site visitor. Firstly you need to setup the FAQ groups and question and answer before install the FAQ viewer module on your page. 

Go to Admin Dashboard module and click the FAQs menu.

Once you are in the admin FAQs screen. You need firstly to create the FAQ group. This FAQ group will be used as FAQ category.

Once the FAQ group has been created. You can now start adding the FAQs question and answers.

To create a new faq/question. Simply click the New Question button. Then you need to specify what will be the FAQ group, the question and answer information. If you want to be displayed in sorting manner. You can enter the sort index in numbering format. Otherwise you can leave this information to 0.

Once the FAQs have been created. We can now add a module called "DNNInfoFAQ FAQ Viewer" to our DNN Page.

Once the module has been added into the page. We need to setup the FAQ module settings.

In the module settings you will have the following items to configure. 

  • Group FAQ
    You can determine what collection of FAQs you want to be included in the FAQ list.
  • Display Template
    You can set how you want to display or layout the FAQ by updating the display template. There  are 3 tokens available which are:
    This will be replaced with FAQ Group Name

    This will be replaced with FAQ Group Description

    ** {FAQLIST}
    This will be replaced with list of FAQs based on the FAQ group you ticked from the FAQ Group checkboxes.
  • Display Style
    You can choose what sort of style/theme of the FAQ list. This theme css style is located under /desktopmodules/dnninfoallmodules/,pdiles/faqs/styles.
    If you want to modify it. It is recommended that you copy one of the existing style and replace it with your preference. This will ensure when you do an upgrade the style has not been overwritten.

Once you have configured the module settings. You will be able to see the FAQs list below. This is  a sample FAQ list using default.css theme.

This is the sample of using the plusbar.css theme.