How to install module license key?
04 Oct 2021 717 0

A license key is required when you run the DNNInfoAllModules. There are 3 types of module version available to purchase. 

  1. Standard Version
    The Standard version only allows you to install against one domain name or subdomain name only. 
  2. Enterprise Version
    The Enterprise version allows you to install the module in multiple sites.
  3. Source Code Version (Include Enterprise Version)
    The Source Code Version will be the same with Enterprise Version. The only difference is you will receive the source code of the module.

To install the module license key. Go to the Admin Dashboard module. There is a menu called "License Key". If you click this button, it will display a license key section where you can enter your purchased license key. You can also alternatively click the License menu on the top navigation menu.

Once you have clicked the menu. You will be able to enter your license key.

There is a button called Request License. This button will automatically request a license key for you if:

  • You have purchased the license key before and want to upgrade or automatically fill the license key for you. This license key will be provided from our end and automatically fetch to your site based on the purchase you have made through DNN Store. 
  • If you want to try our module before purchase. You can click this button and it will automatically install a trial license key for you to use. You will have a month trial to try the module.
    Here is the example of screenshot if we try to get a trial license key.

Module License Upgrade

All module purchase will receive 1 year free upgrade started from the time you purchase the module. You will receive 50% discount after the free upgrade expired.