How to setup Classified module?
10 Feb 2022 733 0

To setup the classified module firstly you need to install the Admin Dashboard module. This will be the main access to all the DNNInfo modules. Please check the following link on how to install it on the page.

Install DNNInfoAllModules Admin Dashboard.

Once the module has already been installed. Click the Classified menu icon to setup the classified module. The first thing you need to do is run the Import Options. This menu is located under Utilities menu.

In this screen you have the option to import the following options.

  • Countries
    Please select the country relevant to your listings. For example: If your listings targeted country for United States you can tick the US States. If your country is not available in the list. You can click back the Home menu and go to Shared Resources icon menu. 

    Under the location menu. You will be able to setup the States and Cities for specific country manually.
  • Classified Options
    Depends on the classified types you want to activate. If you only need properties classified only. You just need to tick the Property Options only. By ticking this option, it will import all the required information for Properties. For example: if you tick the Car options. It will import all the Car's brands and models.
  • Templates Options
    Remember to tick the Templates and Email templates options. The template options will be used to load the default listing and details templates for your classified. The email template options will load the default email templates that are going to be used for each classified. For example: When a user submit a listing information. They will receive an email notification. This email notification is retrieved from this template.

    Once you have selected/ticked the options you want. Click the Import buttons.

Once above setting has been setup. Let's go to Main Settings menu. This menu is located under Settings menu.

Here is the list of settings you need to setup.

  • Classifed Types Settings
    There are 4 types of classified you can enable on your site which are:
    1. Generic
    This can be used to create a simple listing such as business directory listing, articles, news, etc.

    2. Cars
    This classified type can be used for car listing classified.

    3. Properties
    This classified type can be used for properties listing classified.

    4. Jobs
    This classified type can be used for job listing classified.
  • Email Settings
    You need to setup the Email SMTP Settings properly if you want the email notification to work properly on your site.
  • Member Settings
    If you want to allow registered users/members able to use the member facility you can setup some options in here. For example: if you use listing enquiry you can turn this option by ticking the checkbox.
  • Theme Setting
    You can choose which theme setting for the control panel.
  • Form Templates Settings
    This will be the default form templates. Form templates are used to show form listing information. For more details please see into the following link.
  • Location Settings
    If your listings required location. You need to set the default country. There is an option as well for you to load the Google Map API key and URL.
  • Classified Type Listing Page
    This will be the default listing pages. You can only see the values of the dropdownlist pages once you install the Classified List module. Each individual classified module will have its own list. For example the generic module list will be called DNNInfoCFD Generic List. For cars list will be called DNNInfoCFD Car List. This pages value will be used as default pages for classified listings.
  • Auto Approval Settings
    When creating a listing record. You can allows member/registered users to create it and submit on the site. You have the option to auto approve the listing without have to notify admin. For example for any paid listings you want to automatically approve listings.

How to setup payment for posting listing/classified?

If you want your site members to pay a fee when listing a classified. You need to setup the payment options. The payment options available under Settings > Payment Settings.

There are 3 payment types available which are PayPal Express, Bank Transfer and Bank Cheque. Please tick the Enable checkbox to activate each payment. The payment will only be visible if the Listing fee is bigger than $0.

Configuring Form Templates.

Once the payment has been setup. The next thing we need to is to configure the Form Templates. This section is located under Listings menu > Form Templates.

Let says we are building a business directory listings. In this business directory listings we want the users to enter the Business Name, Contact Name, Address information, Website URL etc. We can define all of the form fields in here.

You can create multiple form templates for each individual classified type.

If you see above screenshot. The left column will list of available fields you can include in the form template. While on the right column list of fields that are already existed in the form template. You can easily sort the fields by dragging the field up and down. You can change the field label and make it as required field by clicking the edit pencil icon. To add field from available list. Click the plus sign icon. The field will be added at the bottom of the right list. Feel free to drag it up if you want the position. To remove a field. Simply click the minus icon button.

Configuring Classified Packages

Classified Packages are used to determine what kind of listing package you want to give to your member. For example: on your site you want to give your member to have 3 packages to choose when listing a classified. Let's say we name them as Free Listing, Bronze Listing and Gold Listing. Each individual package you can link it to a Form template and determine the cost of the listing. Because the Free listing is completely free we want to set a limitation. For example: Free Listing will have limited information like you can only upload to 3 images only. While for the Bronze and Gold listings we want to give free Highlight feature and Prioritize Listings.

Please go to Listings Menu > Classified Packages to setup the option. You can set multiple classified packages for each individual classified type. 

In the classified package form. You can define options such as make the listing as featured listing, highlighted listing and priority listing. There are also some options for you to setup the no of images, youtubes, categories and coupons. You can also set the expiry days and fee for the listing.